Building Strength to Break the Chains of Modern Slavery!

Community members join the Florida 15, trafficking survivors from the Philippines, as they confront their trafficker in virtual court at the Philippine Consulate General in New York. July 2024.


a survivor-led movement to end modern slavery is gaining strength!

Building Strength to Break the Chains, our overarching program aims to: (1) increase survivors’ capacity to organize to end the system of modern slavery and (2) strengthen relationships in the anti-trafficking and migrant workers’ rights movements in New York City and beyond! Below are components of our program that serve our aims:

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Migrante New York conducts a Know Your Rights Training. 2017.

Increasing Survivors’ Capacity to Organize

  • We conduct General Needs Assessment Intake Interviews with workers/survivors

    • to understand their experiences and needs, and refer them to resources and support in the community

  • We facilitate Know Your Rights Trainings

    • on topics such as: Workers’ Rights, Law Enforcement Interactions, Immigration Policy, Crimmigration (the intersection of criminal law and immigration), Deportation Defense

  • We facilitate Organizing and Campaigns Trainings

    • on topics such as: Community Safety Planning, How to Build a Grassroots Organization, How to Launch and Sustain a Campaign, Media Training, How to do an Intake

  • We assist survivors and workers in building their own organizations

    • while learning skills such as: writing organizational constitutions and governing documents, recruiting and engaging members, strategic planning, public speaking, meeting facilitation, language justice (translation and interpretation for organizing)

  • We fundraise for survivor and organizational needs

    1. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we help fundraise and receive donations on community organizations’ and campaigns’ behalf and disburse according to community needs.

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Trafficked Teachers from Texas attend MEMS Anti-Trafficking Summit in Los Angeles. 2018.

Strengthening Relationships in the Anti-Trafficking and Migrant Workers’ Rights Movements

  • We build and operate a Volunteer Network involving our community partners.

  • We build our Legal and Social Services Network to refer survivors in need.

  • We conduct participatory action research with survivors and migrant workers so that they can articulate their lived experience as evidence and data in advocacy.

  • We collaborate with researchers to stay up-to-date on: the situation of migrant workers and trafficking survivors; trends in the global economy and migration; global economic and migration policies.

  • We participate in alliances and coalitions to strengthen the anti-trafficking and migrant worker’s rights movements.